The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Cheering Hamas on campus, too uneducated to grasp how grotesque that is

December 13, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EST
Demonstrators rally at an “All Out for Gaza” protest at Columbia University in New York on Nov. 15. (Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images)
4 min

In German-occupied Poland on a November day in 1942, a Jewish woman carrying a baby realizes an SS man is following her down the street. She catches the eye of a woman walking toward her. Peter Englund tells what a witness saw:

“Some sort of wordless communication takes place — maybe no more than an almost invisible gesture or a glance or an eye movement — and the approaching woman spreads her arms a little and, without any sign of hesitation, the Jewish woman passes the baby across while hiding the movement with her body to prevent the SS man from seeing.”

The Jewish woman, who knows her life is about to end, saves her baby. A block later, she is arrested, destined for annihilation.